Monday, April 20, 2009

On Beauty through pg. 300

In class Monday, we talked a lot about the similarities between Zadie Smith's On Beauty and Forster's Howards End. The two have much in common. We also talked more about Smith's view on beauty and the way in which it is expressed through Claire's poem "On Beauty." The poem itself, shows the divide between the upper class, beautiful people and all of the others. I feel that Claire sees Kiki as of another class, one in which she feels is below her. This may be part of the reason why Claire seems to feel little to no remorse during her affair with Howard.

In class, we also talked a lot about the idea of independence. Many of the characters in the novel have a voice that can be seen throughout the plot. Other characters like Carl, according to Claire, could use help in finding their voice and finding power in the university's system. When reading the novel, I tend to feel much more of a connection with the characters with a voice. For example, Kiki seems honest, strong, and hardworking. This is part of the reason why I find her to be one of the most upstanding characters in the novel. Howard, on the other hand, has no voice. He is seduced by women who need temporary attention from him. Their short-term needs are what sacrifices his relationship with Kiki and his family. To me this shows that Howard as a character has no voice and no real idea of what he wants.

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