Monday, February 9, 2009

Wuthering Heights: Class Notes 2/9/09

Assignment for the week: 
What does ______ do that helps people better understand scene _______? 
Wednesday & Friday: movie version of Wuthering Heights shown during class - write five paragraphs answering the question above. Focus on the role the media plays in our understanding of the novel. Due Monday. 

Heathcliff tries to make Catherine jealous of his relationship with Isabella. In a sense he is taking revenge on Edgar for taking Catherine away from him. These actions all contribute towards Heathcliff's misery. Heathcliff also blames Hindley for losing Catherine. Hindley was the person who originally degrades Heathcliff

Up through this point in the novel, Healthcliff has continuously made a point to seek revenge on every person who has wronged him at one point or another. His entire marriage to Isabella was an act to get back at Edgar. The only person he does not truly want to hurt is Catherine. At first it seemed as though he was getting married just to make her jealous. 

Catherine eventually dies due to childbirth. Her mental state declines slowly. She was forbade from seeing Heathcliff by Edgar and left to spend a lot of time on her own. 

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