Monday, March 30, 2009

Class Notes: Stand By Me

Jeanette Winterson, Art and Lies
Intro/Class Notes:
Post-Modernist is collage-like. It juxtaposes more than it explains. Novels began in the 17th-18th century, while short stories came about in the 1800's. Genre fiction is formulaic. There is also a canon of great literature which has been theoretically blown apart in more recent years. The question has become: what makes great art great and why? Even today, greatness is very narrowly defined. For all we know, anyone and everyone could be a great artist! If everyone was considered to have potential - we would need to listen to all of our neighbors. The way people talk about great art makes it feel as though there is such a small chance of any one of us ever becoming great; it is very discouraging.

"Stand By Me"
The "Stand By Me" YouTube video shows that great art takes time. It can be found in many places and in many people. Maybe students could be artists if they had more attention?
People think art to be certain specific types of work and ignore other things. Some people don't even give certain pieces of art a chance! The thought process should transform into: "If I don't understand things, maybe I need to try and learn more." The more open minded the observer is, the more credit the author/creator gets.

For Next Class: Picasso and Handel

Art and Lies: A funny sort of relationship...

Although I am not exactly sure what Jeannette Winterson had in mind as far as the relationship between the two key terms in the title of Art and Lies, I have come to a few conclusions as to how the two terms may be related. Firstly, their definitions are vague. What could be considered a lie to one person may not be a lie to someone else just like a piece of art to one person may have no value whatsoever to another.

On the other hand, lies are hurtful - in most cases. They are the result of someone hiding the truth from another. Lies have the purpose of hiding what is real most likely because it is hurtful to someone else. This description, which I have come up with, is very different from that of art.

From what I know of art, it is meant in part to represent reality or at least some person's vision of the truth. The two terms, art and lies seem to be opposite to me. Art can show more truth than words themselves. Art is also a way for people to express themselves and it has the power to show others the truth about the person who creates it. It seems that it would be difficult to lie through art. I find the words to be very opposite and see art as a way to possibly undermine lies. Art can be a way of seeing the truth and in many cultures, I believe it is.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Class Notes: 3/27/09

Our group examined the last stanza of the poem, "The Child and Flowers". We agreed unanimously that the scanned version has the greatest impact on us. Between the grammar and word placement on the page, the poem carries more meaning. Overall we agree that the format affects the meaning but more or less from the perspective of the individual reader. I think that digitizing could make understanding literature more difficult. It is definitely more difficult for words on a screen to capture ones attention. The TEI version of the poem does not show the original format of the poem - it is difficult to tell what shape it originally came in.

Who is the audience? The author could be trying to speak to the inner child of the reader. An actual child would most likely not be able to read and comprehend the poem. The plot of the poem is basically a child returning from a forest, bringing flowers back with her. To me this is somewhat vague which to me means that it leaves plenty of room for the reader's interpretation. In a way, the vagueness of the poem opens it up to wider audiences; more people can relate to things less defined.

Monday, March 23, 2009

HTML v. XML v. paper

Alternative Assignment - Due Wednesday: Read HTML version & look at other versions via Blackboard. Is this the same poem? What difference will digitizing make to our understanding of poems?

In the case of the poem, "The Child and Flowers" by Mrs. Hemans, I believe all three versions are the same. Although the poems look different, the words are the same therefore they must be the same. At least in that sense. On the other hand, I do think the reader will interpret the poems differently depending on what form of the poem they are reading. The HTML version was familiar to me and although the poem was difficult for me to fully comprehend, it was not impossible to understand. The XML version was much more difficult for me to get used to. I have never seen a poem translated into this medium. In this case, the reader can adapt to the text and begin reading it in the way they would with any other type of text. I have a hard time believing this version could benefit the reader and their interpretations of the text itself. When reading the poem, there was too much time spent navigated through all of the letters and less time spent interpreting its meaning.

The third example was that of the actual bound version of the text. Of all three examples, this was the one I felt could have the greatest affect on the reader's interpretation. Being able to hold the book and see the words in front of me encourages my mind to wonder. Sometimes the pages look different and there seems to be more substance for some magical reason... Also, when there is a physical book, there is a history that goes with it which makes it more interesting and possible for the reader to have a completely different experience with it.

Overall, I have learned that digitizing can help with the understanding of poems. This is especially true when tools such as TagCrowd are used to examine the texts. As far as reading through pieces of literature, it is most helpful to me to read the physical copy of the text. I am sure as time goes on, this will no longer be the norm as generations begin to adapt more and more to online reading. Assignment

My group noticed that the two earlier versions of the Frankenstein passage are more positive than the third and final version of the text. My passage (1818 - Thomas) consisted of very few negative words. Both 'destroyed' and 'stranger' appeared as being commonly used in this text. The technique of using TagCrowd helped to show the major differences in word choice amongst the three passages.

Did Mary Shelley write three different novels? I do not believe that Mary Shelley wrote three different novels. I think the purpose of the novel throughout her corrections stayed consistent. The changes that she made seem to clarify or add to certain points found in the original edition. Although I do believe her changes made for a better novel, the modifications do not change my viewpoint on the original version itself. As time passed, it is possible she wanted to express more meaning and therefore had to add to the body of the novel.

How does digitizing the texts help to visualize them?
Digitizing these texts helps to see them in a different light and bring attention to certain differences that otherwise would have gone unnoticed. Using online text versions of literature can be used as a tool. Sites like TagCrowd can count common words found in hundreds of pages of a novel - an ability humans don't really posses

Alternative Assignment - Due Wednesday:
Read HTML version & look at other versions.
Is this the same poem? What difference will digitizing make to our understanding of poems?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Class Notes: Can there be heroes in modern life?

From what I can tell, according to the poem there can be heroes in modern life. I agree with this idea completely. I feel that today's heroes are different than those of the past but they can make just as big of an impact as any past hero. I believe that people have the ability to make a difference and help those around them in important ways. The difference between the past and modern times is the fact that heroes seem to emerge less frequently and their heroic decisions are not as great. This could be an impact of the times or the fact that certain aspects of society are more even corrupt than ever. Heroes seem much harder to come by these days. It seems like people are always questioning the motives of modern day heroes. Al Gore for example, has taken steps to reduce the amount of harm people are causing the planet - although this seems like a noble cause, many people question his motivation which could be seen as purely political. Because of this doubt, heroes are hard to trust.

Also, I believe that in certain situations, parents can be heroes. Childhood is tough and it doesn't take much for a kid to go down the wrong path - sometimes unknowingly. Parents are the only ones that can really save there kids. Between feeding them the right foods, making sure they finish their homework and keeping them out of harms way, parents play a huge part in saving their children. To some extent I feel like that should be an automatic obligation after choosing to have a child. Either way, perfect parents are hard to come by and when they do it can make all the difference!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Class Notes: 3/18/09

The passage assigned to my group was from Book III, line 302. The passage itself was mostly about the conflict Aurora has between wanting to be a writer and being financially stable. In order to be able to write, she must be married. This is ironic considering Elizabeth Barrett Browning found herself in a similar situation. She would most likely not have been able to write Aurora Leigh if she had not been married to Robert. This quote comes after the death of her aunt. She is now worried about how she will survive. She is forced to do something less glamorous than her verse in order to have enough income to survive and support herself.

Other passages discussed in class:
Book II, 218
Romney basically tells Aurora that she will never be a great writer. She could be pretty much anything else that she wanted - but not a poet.

Book II, 400
Romney does not love her, he loves what she could be for him. She responds by saying that she is not worthy of the title he gives her and therefore cannot be that for him. She could also be hinting at the fact that she is actually worth more.

Book II, 671
Aurora is saying that she will not marry Romney. At the very least, her soul will be free to live. She would rather die as a fulfilled artist that die his wife. Aurora is an honest person - her decision is the decision of God as well.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Aurora Leigh: A Lost Soul?

Throughout Book 1 of Aurora Leigh, Aurora becomes more defined through her experiences and their descriptions. At first she discloses specific details regarding her mother's death and her father. As the novel progresses, her character begins to show through the text. Once her father dies and she is forced to move in with her aunt, Aurora comes to life through what really fascinates her as a young women. Her love for books and reading leads me to believe she is a curious and open-minded person. Also, it causes me think that she is seeking an escape. Although there were most likely many young children that had to experience the death of their parents at the time, it was probably a traumatic event for her to experience.

Aurora also reminds me of the type of child that would do anything to make her parents happy. Though it is obvious she is truly grateful for her aunt's hospitality, it seems like she may be afraid of disappointing her. The lengths she goes to to make her aunt happy go beyond being grateful. This could be what is contributing towards her feeling the need to escape from reality into her father's books.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Class Notes: Aurora Leigh

Aurora Leigh
By: Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Is the novel difficult to understand? Throughout my reading, I was able to understand best the sections where the narrator describes her life and events. Other parts are difficult for me to comprehend entirely.

Why did Virginia Woolf not see Elizabeth Barrett Browning as a Shakespeare? Her mother died when she was 20 years old. Her first published piece came out when she was 22. A very radical person - an amazing poet. Her father tried to shelter her; her and her siblings were not to marry. Unknowingly, she was addicted to morphine. In 1845, she met via letter, Robert Browning. They eloped shortly after. The two of them lived the expatriate life together. Elizabeth authored "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways..." which became famous.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning's life was very different from that of Aurora Leigh's. Aurora's mother dies when she was 4 years old. Her father dies later on and she moves in with her father's sister. Her father was the owner of land and property. By him marrying Aurora's mother, his sister was deprived of her anticipated title. He fell in love with Aurora's mother instantly. As a result, he looses all interest in his estate. Her father loves and takes care of his daughter; he teaches her...

What has formed/shaped us? Television, books, music, culture in general?

"To travel inland, that I cannot hear
That murmur of the outer Infinite
Which unweaned babies smile at in their sleep"

After her mother's death Aurora feels like she is deserted in the nest.

"Women know
The way to rear up children, (to be just,)
They know a simple, merry, tender knack
Of tying sashes, fitting baby-shoes,
And stringing pretty words that make no sense,
And kissing full sense into empty words"

Her father is unsuccessful in talking to his daughter at first; she eventually pulls him in through understanding.

Online Version:

Friday, March 6, 2009

Class Notes: Who Suffers?

Is there anyone in the world who never suffers? Why does Latimer feel that his brother has never witnessed lows? It is possible that Latimer dislikes his brother because he his jealous of him. If he were truly able to read his brother's mind, he would most likely see that he is not as confident as he seems. There must be some doubt felt by his brother. Because of his negative feelings towards him, Latimer does not really know his brother as a person; his jealousy comes between him and their relationship.

Latimer claims there is no evil in store for his brother but oddly enough, Alfred dies the same day. This shows how untrue Latimer's feelings towards him really are - once again his jelousy gets the best of him!

Later in the story it becomes known that Bertha does not feel she needs to love the man she marries. Latimer paints a different picture of her in his own mind and doesn't really want to believe what she says to him. Latimer thinks that he and Bertha would be perfect together but she tries to communicate to him that she is being honest, and truly does not care about Alfred. Throughout the story, Latimer continuously projects his emotions onto others in his life. He bases what he feels about these people on the images he paints of them. Even though Bertha is honest and open with him, he chooses to ignore her and creates an altered personality for her which he 'loves'. Is it possible he loves her because she is the prize his brother gets for being successful? I think there is a great chance that the only reason he loves Bertha is because of what she symboloizes - the success of his brother. Latimer judges Bertha based on the projection of her he has created and judging someone is not a way to get to know them. By judging others you put yourself above all of the rest; in this case Latimer really believes he is superior to everyone with the possible exception of his brother...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Class Notes: 3/4/2009

Picture Experiment:
Photo on the left of very thin woman posing for a picture in a beautiful red and gold gown. This woman may be thinking, "I've never been so nervous but I at least I look great, hopefully not fat, I am so uncomfortable right now -oh my gosh I think this dress may break - what would I do then? No idea - this is why I didn't eat."
Does Latimer have supernatural powers? In our group discussion there were conflicting views, some of us believe that the narrator does have supernatural powers while others believe that he may be experiencing mental issues within himself.

What is some of the evidence leading to the idea that he may be gifted?
The vision of Prague. His original vision of Prague was accurate although he had never seen it before. It could be possible that he has just seen many pictures of the Charles Bridge (one of the most famous bridges in the world) and as a result has been able to paint a picture of it in his mind.

Sometimes people in love project what they want onto their loved ones in order for them to find in others what they are looking for, even if it is not entirely real. Latimer's description of Bertha is odd. She is not what he would consider to be the picture perfect woman. Bertha is independent, sarcastic, admired and worshipped. Latimer thinks she has a deep secret and that he could be the only one to save her. This could be the result of his corrupt relationship with his father. As far as his mother goes, she worshipped Latimer, and then died. He could have felt that she left him on purpose! Latimer thinks very highly of himself. He believes that he is cursed, much like Victor believes that he is fated by evil.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Victor v Latimer

As of the middle of the novella, it is difficult to come to a real conclusion as to whether or not Latimer is like or unlike Victor. At this point, I would say the two have more in common than not in the sense that both are gifted. Victor's skills in science go above and beyond anything the average person could accomplish. Also, the abilities Latimer gains after recovering from an illness set him apart from the majority as well. Both characters seem to use these capabilities but are also scared of what they could result in. It will be interesting to see where this story goes and whether or not the similarities between Latimer and Victor accumulate.